Bagong Pilipinas
SBMA - Electronic Billing and Payment System

Departments/Offices > Office of the Senior Deputy Administrator for Regulatory Group

Room 102, Bldg. 229, Waterfront Road, Central Business District, Subic Bay Freeport Zone

Tel. No.: +6347.252.4426
Fax No.: +6347.252.4584

Amethya L. Koval

Amethya L. Koval

OIC - Office of the
Senior Deputy Administrator for Regulatory

About Us

The Office of the Senior Deputy Administrator for Regulatory Group is a single strategic business unit in charge of consolidating the regulatory, permits and licensing functions to ensure a highly competitive business environment in Subic Bay Freeport.


Relative to the above mandate, this Office is established to groom its departments and all staff to emerge as a regional model of Freeport regulators. It further drives its permit-issuing arms to develop among its clients the culture of self-regulation.


In line with ISO 9001:2008, the main objective of Office of the Senior Deputy Administrator for Regulatory Group is to oversee the unified enforcement of regulatory policies and procedures - in accordance with the standards set forth by RA 9485 otherwise known as Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007 (ARTA).

Specifically, its functions are:

  • To formulate a comprehensive and integrated regulatory policies for the stakeholders and update the same periodically;
  • To ensure that all regulatory policies and procedures are institutionalized and rather unified;
  • To push for the advances in technology to set the pace in providing efficient, transparent and immediate service;
  • To confirm maximum level of compliance to regulatory measures of SBF locators, residents, contractors and suppliers;
  • To impart fair regulatory procedures to other SBMA department and agencies involve in permits and licensing activities to render efficient and quality customer service.


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Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority All Rights Reserved. Bldg. 229 Waterfront Road, Subic Bay Freeport Zone, Philippines.

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ISO Certified - DQS

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